Features Overview

Katie believed strongly in providing leadership development opportunities to young people. She wanted to “pay it forward!” The KM Legacy Foundation if proud to uphold Katie’s beliefs and offer scholarships to students to further their development.


2025 Katie Monson Leadership Scholarship - a full scholarship to the National Student Leadership Conference during the summer of 2025

Scholarship applications are available HERE.

All applications must be submitted by: Friday February 7, 2025, via email to KMLegacyFdn@TheMonsons.com

Each scholarship recipient will receive fully paid tuition to the NSLC and $600 reimbursement for airfare.  This is a 6-day program at either Georgetown University or the University of Michigan in June or July 2025.  Program highlights include giving back to the community while exploring your strengths, practicing fundamental skills like goal setting and public speaking that will unlock your natural leadership abilities.  More information about the NLSC can be found on their website at: Build Leadership Qualities With Leadership Development Programs | National Student Leadership Conference (nslcleaders.org)


2025 Fullerton Join Union High School District Scholarship - A scholarship awarded to a 2025 graduating senior from any one of the seven (7) high schools in the district.


Scholarship applications are available HERE.

All applications must be submitted by: Friday March 28, 2025, at 3pm to your College and Career Center administrator or Guidance Technician.

Scholarship awarded - up to $2,000

Requirements to apply:

  • You must be a senior graduating from Fullerton Union High School District in May 2025

  • Must have passionately help a leadership position for at least one year in a sport, school or social club, non-profit organization, activity, or job-related association.

  • Must have plans to continue ursuing their education/leadership after graduation (college, trade school, armed forces, etc.)

  • You must apply with a printout of your transcripts and a letter of recommendation attached before the deadline.


2022 Katie Monson Leadership Scholarship Recipients

In March 2022, the KM Legacy Foundation presented fifteen students with the Katie Monson Leadership Scholarship - sponsoring each of them to attend the National Student Leadership Conference in the summer of 2022 at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. This year’s recipients are from four high schools in Fullerton and La Habra, CA. From Fullerton High School, the recipients are: Declan Campbell, Isaac Arriola, Kayla Monson, Lillian Kelly, and Matthew Gonzalez. From Sunny Hills High School, the recipients are: Ariana Choi, Ashley Suh, Isabella Jacobs, Jacky Woo, Janudi Jayasuriya, Nicholas Kim, and Prysilla Ahn. From Sonora High School, the recipients are : Grace Nevis, and Jennifer Jung. From Troy High School, the recipient is Amariah Peedkiayil. Congratulations to all of these amazing young leaders and enjoy your conference!


2021 Katie Monson Leadership Scholarship Recipients

In December 2020, the KM Legacy Foundation presented seven students with the Katie Monson Leadership Scholarship - sponsoring each of them to attend the National Student Leadership Conference in the summer of 2021. This year’s recipients are from two high schools in Fullerton, CA. From Fullerton High School, the recipients are: Tabatha LeeKeenan, Madelyn Mcleran, Oneli Christofelsz and Kimberly Sanchez. From Sunny Hills High School, the recipients are: Autumn Alverson, Ellen Kim and Lauren Angelus. Congratulations to all of these amazing young leaders!

2020 FJUHSD Senior Scholarships

2020 has been a much different year to say the least! The COVID-19 virus affected all our our lives in a variety of ways. For graduating seniors, that meant no senior awards events or graduations. That didn’t stop us from providing scholarships though! The KM Legacy Foundation awarded scholarships totaling $31,000 to thirty-eight seniors across six schools district-wide! Congratulations to these deserving students. From Fullerton Union High School: Ashley Godinez, Brooklyn Campbell, Gwendelynn Gonzalez, Haley Knight, Jamie Ma, Kameryn Bergeron, Katelin Chavez and Stephen Gialamas. From Troy High School: Hannah Wang, Jennifer Ho, Maxwell Tsao, Sarah Yoon and Vanessa Nguyen. From Sunny Hills High School: Cambria Acheson, Jaeeun Lee, Kourtney Barbour, Lauren Kim, Ogechu Okpala and Samuel Kho. From Sonora High School: Brayden Smoot, Brendan Best, Caroline Duda, Enjy McKhaiel, Malia Perales, Matthew Corona and Trinity Gomez. From La Habra High School: Atalia Zahrndt, Joseph Luna, Nicole Guzman, Reem Asad, Silas Ten Elshof and William Sanders. From Buena Park High School: Angelica Mosqueda, Brenda Emsais, Emerlyne Castaneda, Lexi Ramirez, Michelle Cisneros and So-Young Lu.

We wish these students continued success as they pursue their college educations. We are very proud to be among the many generous organizations/groups who presented scholarships to students this year!

To view our virtual scholarship presentations, please click on the school name above


2020 Katie Monson Leadership Scholarship Recipients

On December 3, 2019, the KM Legacy Foundation presented Zoey Afram and Jonathan Morales with the Katie Monson Leadership Scholarship - sponsoring each of them to attend the National Student Leadership Conference in the summer of 2020. Congratulations to Zoey and Jonathan!


FUHS Graduating seniors leadership scholarships

At Fullerton High School Senior Awards event on 5/15/2019, the KM Legacy Foundation awarded scholarships totaling $30,000 to twenty-four seniors! Congratulations to these deserving students: Abby Banner, Andrew Caluya, Urooj Naveed, Victoria Avina-Alvarado, Drew Soderquist, Julia Nguyen, Devin Ricklef, Audry Jeong, Chole Reese, Marie Munoz, Mikayla Haugen, Sandra O'Sullivan, Ryan Chang, Jacqueline Taylor, Kara Taylor, Maren Summers, Carey Martin, Karen Martinez, Abigail Lange, Tate Heinle, Sebastian Armas, Emmy Yzhuerra, Alice Chun and Katherine Trimble.

We wish these students continued success as they pursue their college educations. We are very proud to be among the many generous organizations/groups who presented scholarships last nigh!

To see a video of the presentation, click this link.

2019 NSLC Recipients.jpg

katie monson leadership scholarship

Each year the KM Legacy Foundation will sponsor an FUHS ASB student to attend the National Student Leadership Conference. If you are interested in applying for this scholarship, please speak with your ASB Adviser.

The first two students to receive this scholarship in 2018 are Brooklyn Campbell and Presli Dillon.